
Ownership for Gamers

Step into a realm where gamers are empowered with ownership. FYX Gateway transforms your playtime into profit, making every moment count.

Game Icon | FYX Gaming

Profitable Play

With FYX Gateway, every victory and item is an opportunity for real rewards. Play more, earn more – it's that simple.

Ownership for Gamers

FYX Gateway gives you unprecedented control over your in-game assets, enabling true ownership and monetization like never before.

Level Up Your Earnings
FYX Gateway MarketplaceFYX Gateway Discover Games

Game without Boundaries

Our universal login ensures your items move with you across platforms and marketplaces, offering unparalleled freedom in your gaming universe.

Visit FYX Gateway
FYX Gateway connects to OutlookFYX Gateway connects to Zoho
FYX Gateway connects to GMX
FYX Gateway connects to Yahoo MailFYX Gateway connects to QQ MailFYX Gateway connects to iCloud Mail
FYX Gateway connects to AOL FYX Gateway connects to GmailFYX Gateway connects to Proton Mail
FYX Gateway connects to Yahoo MailFYX Gateway connects to QQ MailFYX Gateway connects to iCloud Mail
FYX Gateway connects to OutlookFYX Gateway connects to Zoho
FYX Gateway connects to GMX
FYX Gateway connects to AOL FYX Gateway connects to GmailFYX Gateway connects to Proton Mail
FYX Gateway connects to Yahoo MailFYX Gateway connects to QQ MailFYX Gateway connects to iCloud Mail
FYX Gateway connects to AOL FYX Gateway connects to GmailFYX Gateway connects to Proton Mail
FYX Gateway connects to OutlookFYX Gateway connects to Zoho
FYX Gateway connects to GMX
Marketplace Mastery Icon

Marketplace Mastery

Our integrated marketplace connects directly to your gaming accounts, turning every item into an opportunity for gain.

Gateway Between
Gaming & Ownership

FYX Gaming Logo
Gamer Icon | FYX Gateway


Empower Ownership
Developer Icon | FYX Gateway


Elevate Revenue
Publisher Icon | FYX Gateway

Game Items

Items To & From Game

Own Items

Own, Collect & Trade

Sell Items

Endless Royalties

Earn Royalties

Play to Profit

Power Up Ownership

Play and collect in game.
Sell on the FYX Gateway Market.
Buy new, classic or a boost for your play.
Use in game and own your victories.

Visit FYX Gateway

FYX Gaming with the Power of Profit

Discover how FYX Gateway redefines the gaming industry with cutting-edge solutions tailored for studios and publishers to keep you ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Impenetrable Security, Unmatched Safety

Ensure the utmost safety and integrity of your in-game transactions and user data with our advanced security protocols. Experience a secure ecosystem where both studios and players can thrive with confidence.

Comprehensive protection against cyber threats, safeguarding data and assets.
Routine updates and rigorous testing to stay ahead of evolving threats.
Security & Trust
Business Growth
Innovation & Adaptability

Compliant Integration, Platforms Compatibility

Embrace the power of universal compatibility. Our platform effortlessly connects with a diverse range of cloud services, DevOps, LiveOps and digital networks, offering an unparalleled user experience.

Meticulously designed for connectivity with diverse gaming platforms, enhancing user reach and engagement.
Adaptive and compliant integration with various networks for a versatile and unified gaming ecosystem.
Security & Trust
Business Growth
Innovation & Adaptability

Exponential Growth,
Boundless Discovery

Amplify your games visibility and profitability. Our platform is meticulously engineered to support your growth ambitions, seamlessly integrating with your existing revenue models to enhance profitability without disruption.

Enhance profitability while preserving the game's unique ecosystem.
Dynamic scalability that accommodates a growing user base, boosts in-game economy and revenue streams.
Security & Trust
Business Growth
Innovation & Adaptability

Work smarter with easy access for user.

Uncover trends and actionable insights from social data to the inform brand and business strategy.know whether you're reaching

Economic Factors (Negative) Studio Revenue (Positive)

Economic downturns or fluctuations in cryptocurrency markets can affect user participation and item values on FYX Gateway. FYX Gateway offers game studios a new revenue stream through item royalties, fostering partnerships and integration.